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Beyond the résumé: Charting a new course for HR

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the only constant is change. With nearly a quarter of jobs expected to transform within the next five years and nearly half of workers facing shifts in their core skills, it’s evident that traditional hiring methods are becoming obsolete. HR leaders are pivoting towards a skills-based approach, recognizing its pivotal role in shaping a future-ready workforce. In this webinar, you’ll: Discover why the conventional résumé falls short in assessing an individual’s potential and why a modernized approach is imperative. Understand the limitations of relying solely on résumés for hiring decisions and embrace a more holistic evaluation method. Explore the significance of a skills-based approach in bridging the gap between available talent and evolving job requirements. Gain actionable insights into transforming your talent strategy, empowering employees with the skills needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

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